Friday, January 7, 2011

Couscous Aromatique

I love this recipe because of the special way you steam the coucous over the vegetables which influes the coucous with lots of flavour! Also its one of those recipies where you dont have to dice the vegetables up finaly because they are steamed for a long time. Very delicious way to eat lots of vegetables with a Moroccan twist :) It is from the book "Vegetarian Cooking: A complete guide to ingredients and techniques, with over 300 delicious steb-by-step recipes" by Roz Denny and Christine Ingram.

Serves four to six

450g/1lb couscous grains
60ml/ 4 tbsp olive oil
1 onion, cut in chunks
2 carrots, cut in thick slices
4 baby turnips, halved
8 small new potatoes, halved
1 green pepper, cut in chunks
115g/4oz green beans, halved
1 small fennel bulb, sliced thickly ( i have never actually used the fennel bulbs it tastes fine without it but not sure how much of a difference it makes)
2.5cm/1in cube fresh root ginger
2 garlic cloves, crushed
5ml/1 tsp ground tumeric
15ml/1 tbsp ground coriander
5ml/1 tsp cumin seeds
5 ml/1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
45ml/3 tbsp red lentils
1x400g/14oz can chopped tomatoes
1 litre/ 13/4 pints/4 1/2 cups stock
60ml/4 tbsp raisins
salt and ground black pepper
rind and juice of 1 lemon
harissa paste, to serve (optional)

 1. Cover the couscous with cold water and soak for 10 minutes. Draina nd spread out on a tray for 20 minutes, stirring it occasionally with your fingers.
2. Meanwhile, in a large suacepan, heat the oil and fry the vegetabes for about 10 minutes, stirring from time to time.
3. Add the grated ginger, garlic and spices, stir well and cook for 2 minutes. Pour in the lentils, tomatoes, stock and raisins, and add seasoning.
4. Bring to a boil, then turn down to a simmer. By this time, the couscous should be ready for steaming. Place in a steamer and fit this on top of the stew.
5. Cover and steam gently for about 20 minutes. The grains should be swollen and soft. Fork through and season well. Spoon into a serving dish.
6. Add the lemon rind and juice to the stew and chekc the seasoing. If liked add harissa paste to taste - but its quite hot. Spoon the couscous onto a plate and ladle the stew on top.

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